Sunday Sila Celebrating Magha Puja
Everyone is welcome to join in a special Sunday Sila event celebrating Magha Puja, one of the three main annual Buddhist festivals. Magha Puja celebrates a gathering that was held between the Buddha and 1,250 of his first disciples, which, according to tradition, preceded the custom of periodic recitation of discipline by monks. On the day, Buddhists celebrate the creation of an ideal and exemplary community, which is why it is sometimes called Sangha Day.
For an expanded perspective, listen to Ajahn Amaro’s Dhamma talk, “Magha Puja, the Quality of Patience.”
At 11:30, all are welcome to participate in a potluck lunch and social. Feel free to bring a dish to share, flowers, or greenery for the altar. Family and friends are welcome to join in any part, and the Sunday program will be in-person and online as usual. Join on Zoom here:
The following Monday, March 6, is the official full moon day, and there will be a meal offering at the Pacific Hermitage. Please contact us through the website for more information on that opportunity.
Donations are essential to the health and welfare of our community and to continue offering teachings and community gatherings without charge. Please consider becoming a monthly donor today!