Spiritual Progress in Lay Life
Please join PFOD in welcoming Ayyā Santussikā Bhikkhunī, senior teacher and resident of Karuna Buddhist Vihara, on June. 18 for a daylong of meditation and teachings. The day will run in person and online from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with a meal offering at noon. More information will be available closer to the date.
Ayyā will lead us in precepts, meditation, and Q & A. Meal offering is potluck.
10 a.m. Requesting of the 3 refuges and 5 precepts, followed by meditation and teachings
12 p.m. Potluck meal offering
1 p.m. Dhamma reflections, Q & A (break as needed)
3 p.m. Closing Chant
The event will be hybrid, available to both onsite guests at the Portland Dhamma Center and online. No registration is necessary. Come and go quietly as you please.
Zoom Meeting Login (same as Sunday Sila’s link)
Click here to login
Meeting ID: 895 7817 8445
About Ayyā Santussikā
In 1999, Venerable Santussikā made the first of many trips to Thailand to visit her son who was a monk at Wat Pah Nanachat at the time. In 2003 Ayyā formally became a student of Ajahn Pasanno. She received samaneri ordination in 2010 and took the bhikkhuni ordination in 2012 at Dharma Vijaya Buddhist Vihara with Ayyā Sudarshana as her preceptor. In 2012, she was supported to establish the Karuna Buddhist Vihara, a Theravada monastery for bhikkhunis located in Boulder Creek, California, where she practices alongside Cittānandā Bhikkhuni. They currently live at the new hermitage property in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Her teachings are primarily based on the suttas of the Pali Canon as they apply to everyday life and lead to awakening.
Dana: Support for Ayyā Santussikā’s livelihood
Ayyā and her monastery are completely supported by our donations (dana in pali). If you would like to help assure her and her monastery’s wellbeing, click here. Thank you!
Support for Portland Friends of the Dhamma
Your support helps us continue hosting these freely offered events, and donations are grateful accepted. Click here to offer dana to PFOD.